Our Classroom Website


 I'm enthusiastic about taking on the challenge of third grade and eager to lead the students into a successful school year. I have created this page to provide you with information about our class assignment homework and testing dates. Resources will be provided for you on this site. These resources will assist you with additional assignments, class projects, And websites for reinforcement of skills that have been learned in the classroom. Let's make it a great year!

School Information

Bethune Elementary school hours- 8:45-3:15


Phone Number 754-323-4900


Special Events

School Events will be posted on our class Dojo page. Make sure to check that page often.

Please note that I encourage the celebration of students' birthdays. However, celebrations can only take place during lunch or recess between the hours of !2:25-12:50- or at 2:45-3:15. Items must be store-bought ( please do not send balloons, party favors or goodie bags).

Important Links

Class Dojo https://teach.classdojo.com/#/classes/5d8e4c8564a24bdbc6c8f61d/points

School Calendar- https://www.browardschools.com/Page/30#calendar18/20191002/month

I-ready https://login.i-ready.com/

Cleaver- https://clever.com/oauth/authorize?channel=clever&client_id=4c63c1cf623dce82caac&confirmed=true&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclever.com%2Fin%2Fauth_callback&response_type=code&state=46cc9f7fa14b89d3d998d07d59933fa7326dd02fa399f37d97760a30bfa0db58&district_id=511960e1f47e973a6500000e




Ms. Greenidge heart